Friday, 29 April 2016

Final Images -FALLING-

These images are a collection of a narrative I have created. They tell they tell a story.  In order for you to know more about me, you can interpret these images in anyway you like. They enable to use your imagination and decided for yourself. 
Here are my final images. I believe they summarize my whole project and the development of how far I have come. 

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Photography Personal Investigation

My Images/ Final Shoot -FALLING-

Here is some images from my last shoot: I have kept in mind all the research and focused a lot on texture and focus as it allowed me to play around with depth of field and experiment. These images I am really proud off and really like the result. I will find it difficult to cancel these down and choose some final images but I feel they will all add a dramatic effect to the audience. 

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Sonder -FALLING-

Whilst researching I discovered a definition of something that I really related too. I have always wondered about this emotion and now I have found a definition and a name.

I found the definition here

This definition although does not specifically relate to my work I really feel it could be helpful during my research. 

My project of FALLING I feel is a easily interpreted project. I myself personally love research and as my audience may know from looking through my blog is that the work I produce may have strayed quite far from my original brief or idea. This being said, although my work does move drastically and fast, I feel it opens up a lot of ideas with my work and allows me to explore ideas that may seem quite big but can be split up and explored in more depth. 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

My images -FALLING-

Whilst looking at certain parts of my house I kept thinking about the intensity of human beings living and the small aspects of live that we tend to ignore. These images are some I took with inspiration about existence. Although I haven't focused on the artistic aspect of this I looked closely at depth of field and played around with my focusing on the camera. I explored textures,  shapes and focusing which are the smaller details that really help add emphasis on my ideas.

My Images:

Monday, 18 April 2016

Revistied- Rowland Barthes -FALLING-

Rowland Barthes: 
Official title: Chair of Sémiologie Littéraire, Collège de France

"The starting point of these reflections was usually a feeling of impatience at the sight of the "naturalness" with which newspapers, art and common sense constantly dress up a reality which, even though it is the one we live in, is undoubtedly determined by history. In short, in the account given of our contemporary circumstances, I resented seeing Nature and History confused at every turn, and I wanted to track down, in the decorative display of what-goes-without-saying, the ideological abuse which, in my view, is hidden there" [From the Preface to Mythologies, by Roland Barthes, Trans. Annette Lavers (1972)]

I have looked at Barthes previous in nearly all of my past photography projects as he is a really big inspiration to me. One of his most famous essays and the one that have given me most inspiration is "The Death Of The Author".
I felt inspired by his work as always in the same way as he has opened up an idea in my mind that relates to the end of my project. I am looking at existence and the idea that we exist in such a huge vast universe that we cannot make sense of it all. This being said, I know my final images may be addressed differently by different people. I want them to feel a range of emotions when looking at my images (negative or positive) and for something to be taken away.
I have explored in depth these ideas and feel passionately about them.

Barthes has helped inspired that and because y interpretation may be different to others I feel his work deserved a mention. It is an open text with a never amount of meanings that I have given my audience.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Raoul Hausmann -FALLING-

Raoul Hausmann (July 12, 1886 – February 1, 1971) was an Austrian artist and writer. One of the key figures in Berlin Dada, his experimental photographic collages, sound poetry and institutional critiques would have a profound influence on the European Avant-Garde in the aftermath of World War I. (WIKI)

I am inspired by his work as it is a follow on from looking at DADA art. I like the way his images are collages and can have multiple meanings and yet it is down to the audience to interpret it however they want.

Although, as I have mentioned, I am not looking as in depth to this as I would usually do, I am still heavily inspired. I love his work and feel it is really individual.
Due to the heavy topic I feel this is brilliant to bring into my research as it ensures I have explored all different areas of Existentialism.


"The photomontage became the technique most associated with Berlin Dada, used extensively by Hausmann, Höch, Heartfield, Baader and Grosz, and would prove a crucial influence on Kurt Schwitters, El Lissitsky and Russian Constructivism. It should also be pointed out that Grosz, Heartfield and Baader all laid claim to having invented the technique in later memoirs, although no works have surfaced to justify these claims."


The section below is from and wanted to reference. 

The Mechanical Head[edit]

Mechanical Head (The Spirit of Our Time), assemblage circa 1920
The most famous work by Hausmann, Mechanischer Kopf (Der Geist Unserer Zeit), "The Mechanical Head (The Spirit of Our Time)", c. 1920, is the only surviving assemblage that Hausmann produced around 1919–20. Constructed from a hairdresser's wig-making dummy, the piece has various measuring devices attached including a ruler, a pocket watch mechanism, a typewriter, some camera segments and a crocodile wallet.[13]
"Der Geist Unserer Zeit – Mechanischer Kopf specifically evokes the philosopher George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831). For Hegel...everything is mind. Among Hegel's disciples and critics was Karl Marx. Hausmann's sculpture might be seen as an aggressively Marxist reversal of Hegel: this is a head whose "thoughts" are materially determined by objects literally fixed to it. However, there are deeper targets in western culture that give this modern masterpiece its force. Hausmann turns inside out the notion of the head as seat of reason, an assumption that lies behind the European fascination with the portrait. He reveals a head that is penetrated and governed by brute external forces.[14]

Friday, 15 April 2016

Dada Art -FALLING-


"The term Dada was first used by Richard Huelsenbeck and Tristan Tzara in 1916.[64] The movement, which lasted from approximately 1916 to 1922, arose during World War I, an event that influenced the artists.[65] The Dada Movement began in Zürich, Switzerland – known as the "Niederdorf" or "Niederdörfli" – in the Café Voltaire.[66] The Dadaists claimed that Dada was not an art movement, but an anti-art movement, sometimes using found objects in a manner similar to found poetry. The "anti-art" drive is thought to have stemmed from a post-war emptiness. This tendency toward devaluation of art has led many to claim that Dada was an essentially nihilistic movement. Given that Dada created its own means for interpreting its products, it is difficult to classify alongside most other contemporary art expressions. Hence, due to its ambiguity, it is sometimes classified as a nihilistic modus vivendi.[65]" (Wiki)

This movement has inspired me as it was spoke about during my English literature lesson as external knowledge around Existentialism. I used a simple search for 'Dada Art' to see what I could find. Here are some examples of what I found.

Although it does not link and I have not taken images specifically inspired by this work I feel I am still very inspired by it. I have used these ideas as large inspiration for the whole project. 

The last piece of work is by an artist named:  Raoul Hausmann. He is a writer and artist in which I will look at in more depth in an external blog post. 

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Existential search -FALLING

A simple google search to get more inspiration is something I do quite often. I do not look intensly at the search results but to get an idea of other research I could do I find it quite helpful. I searched for Existentialism and found this definition:
    Existentialism: is a philosophy that emphasizes individual existence, freedom and choice. It is the view that humans define their own meaning in life, and try to make rational decisions despite existing in an irrational universe.
    I know the definition is simple but I am so inspired by the ideas people have had and are still having now in order to pass it down to us.
    I then conducted another search but for a google image result. Using the same word (Existentialism) I found some images that I really took inspiration from:

    This is the image that captured my thoughts in one. 

Monday, 11 April 2016

Existence Thoughts -FALLING-

Using the theory of our existence being an idea and looking closely into this I decided that to build up around my final image I need to take images of when the feeling occurs and try to capture it in an image. These images are when I was thinking about these ideas on my way home from college. They, although taken on my phone, represent the ideas I am trying to convey. They show the simple ideas such as lines, shapes and  reflection that represent the idea.