Friday, 1 April 2016

Existential Photography Exhibition -FALLING-

"In the period following World War I, a curious attraction appeared at fairgrounds: the photographic shooting gallery. If the punter’s bullet hit the centre of the target, this triggered a camera. Instead of winning a balloon or toy, the participant would win a snapshot of him or herself in the act of shooting.
Shoot! Existential Photography traces the history of this fascinating side-show – from its popular use at fairgrounds to how it fascinated many artists and intellectuals in its heyday, including Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, Man Ray and Lee Miller. The artist Erik Kessels celebrates one shooter in particular – Ria van Dijk, who took portraits of herself in this way every year from 1936 – sixty of these images feature here"
These images I came across on a website at a exhibition whilst searching for narrative based ideas. I loved the concept behind the images as it is such a strange concept.  I love how the images are not overly fussy. The simplicity of the person and yet it represents so much. I like the idea and how the people holding the guns look so threatening. This is a follow up of the ideas I have had recently about how we are only existing and some people need to stop and start living. 

 love how strange and yet so interesting these images are. Although the idea is strange I believe the concept behind this is   brilliant. I like the idea behind it and like how the images are almost created by the subject themselves. I think the name is what caught my eye the most after researching T S Eliot I am following my ideas and theories more and more. 


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