Wednesday, 10 September 2014

inspire #2 ALINA Bettina Von Zwehl

Bettina Von Zwehl.

Bettina's pictures from research are very minimalistic and I personally felt like because of the simplicity that each image was truly realistic. ALINA is a project that Bettina photographed to highlight the emotions of the people. From online I can find that she played a specific piece of music and saw their reactions. Here is a description I found of the photographic series:

"This series portrays young women photographed at a contemplative moment.  Her subjects sat in a soundproofed space in the dark and were played a mesmeric piece of music by the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt called Fur Alina (1976).  During the second half of the piece, bright flash lights were activated and von Zwehl photographed the women still meditating on Pärt’s music.”

These images just caught my eye because of the simplicity and minimalistic feel that Bettina Von Zwehl captured perfectly.  I like the way she keeps the photographs the same yet the lot change is the model and their emotion. This also shows the variety of women and the way the piece of music effects them all differently. 

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