Tuesday, 4 November 2014

street shoot #1

Street Photography!

The first street shoot I did was in Hillsborough. I focused my attention on taking as many shots as I could to ensure I had something to show for my first shoot. I used my IPhone to ensure not only did I achieve subtle images but also as I wanted to gain confidence to work my way up to a DSLR. This means even though the images do lack quality they show the true emotions and actions of the people.

 I like the concept of the image above yet really wish I had taken more care when shooting the image. As the results are not what I wanted. I had taken the image with my finger over the lens therefore the blur to the right side has ruined the image. I also liked how close I got to the subject as it shows all the quality and detail of the people in front yet is still far enough to not be too personal.

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