Monday, 16 March 2015

Inspiration #2- Forest McMullin

This website I found and gained an interest in. I felt the photography really developed their project and allowed me to take inspiration. The photography is called Forest McMullin and the projects name

'Nous Nous Souvenons' 

which the English translation is roughly is 'and we remember'.

I found these images really eye catching due to the tone and colour. As you can see below the images colour are not vibrant and vivid yet quite bland and plain and due to the image matter the images really show their real colours. The fact the flowers are slowly dying it shows how the flowers are representative of the person who has passed. The images on their own still have so much depth and emotion and when combined work really well.

These images let me take inspiration in the way that I like how they are shot and they represent such a huge theme through such a simple and interesting way. I like the way the flowers decline naturally similar to a human and the way they sit on the grave with respect.

Below are some of his images:

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