Sunday, 13 September 2015

Tranquil Research

I first thought the first place to look for original research would be Lens Culture. I looked online and did a simple search online to see what appeared.  The word 'Tranquil' showed up this photography and her work.

I really like her work as the images truly represent what people originally think of tranquil. This is what typical images of tranquil represent. I really like the way her images have a mysterious feel with as the mist and toned down colours create a eerie effect. Here are two of my favourites:

Tranquil forest

I really like the toned down colours as I said before as the purple/pink mist in the second images has visual connotations of a different world therefore creating a fairytale like feeling. This links with the word tranquil as its represented with an enchanted feel for something peaceful and dream like.

I also like the layers of trees in almost all of her images. She has composed the pictures in such a way that it looks almost unnatural for the trees to be in rows and look so aesthetically pleasing. This is something I should try in my work by using lines and rows to create images.

Inspiration #2

And All the Spaces in Between

After taking up anothet search on lens culture into tranquil I found another photographer by the name Linda Plunkett. Plunkett has also used the word tranquil to its typical image yet the images as a whole look really pleasing. I like the way the images are quite an image in a collection. This also maks the colour of the white background in all images stand out. It really draws the audience to look closer and feel the true meaning of tranquil.

I really want my final project to also have this quality. I want my images as a whole to look aesthetically pleasing together. This is something I want to look at in more depth in another blog post which I will link HERE.

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