Sunday, 6 December 2015

Misplaced Narrative

I have had the feeling that my work is not taking the right route I wanted as I am not as inspired as I have been previously. I took some images on a shoot and when I looked at the results I was not pleased. I started editing these in relation to some artwork I found. This image really helped me find inspiration again as I never thought of artwork having such an impact on me yet the image is hardly there. Here is my inspired images:

I believe the image tells me a lot about the person within the shot yet the person isn't visible. This lets the audience explore the image for themselves and decided on a story individually. Using the effect of chopping the person out of the frame allows the audience to image a different story every time. This allows the audience to explore a different narrative either multiple per person or varied by person to person. This explored the simplistically shaped image.  Even though this image is simple I really like the effect it has on the model and the audience. 

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