Sunday, 31 January 2016

Diane Arbus

Looking at photographers such as Meatyard and Tress have engaged me even further and I came across a photographer who I had heard of before but never thought to explore further, Diane Arbus. She was an American photographer and writer noted for photographs of marginalized people—dwarfs, giants, transgender people, nudists, circus performers—and others whose normality was perceived by the general populace as ugly or surreal. This fits in with my theory of misplaced people in society and the way she styled her images reminded me of Meatyard.  I like the way her images are black and white and in a simple square to give a minimalism effect. Some of her most famous images include the giant, twins, grenade and circus performers.

I believe her work fits in well with my theory of people feeling out of place in society due to something they cannot help, in this case height or in my case mental health.I think she is a wonderful photographer who not only took care in her work but has create a gap in society where there should be no judgment.

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