Monday, 2 February 2015

Inspiration #3- Doruk Sikman and Final photos

Final Images 

I really like the look of Doruk's work as it takes a normal image and adds an effect you would not typically see. It draws attention to the detail in the image. It lets the audience look at this image and take an abstract understanding from it as it does not have a specific meaning and is open to interpretation.

The photographer asks questions and this shows how he wants his work to be viewed,"Would a world be possible with blue soil, purple sun, and green nights? Why not? " He wants the audience to ask him about his work. He answers the questions he believes most people want to ask.
I really like the idea of taking a landscape image and changing the colour scale/tone/vibrancy totally.
Here I have taken some images and changed them to suit the theme of Sikman:

Here are the images I took inspiration from:

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