Thursday, 22 October 2015

Sandy Skoglund inspired work- Object misplacement

Whilst researching my work I found this photographer and was really interested in her work. She uses sculptures to create these amazing images that are far from realistic. I was inspired by this and wanted to create something similar. I also felt I needed to refresh myself with Photoshop and use this as a basis. I used Photoshop to edit the images individually then use a highlighting tool to ad the images together. This created the illusion that the image contained lots of small mannequins rather than them being edited together. Overall I am not impressed with this image as it took me a while to create and I don't believe they are of the highest quality as they could be. It did not give me the desired effect and so I am disappointing with this. I know to improve it next time I will use an object that is more realistic and an environment that is more suited. Overall I am not impressed with my result and would try harder and think about it more next time. Here is my final result:

I feel like you can tell the image is inspired by Sandy Skolund yet I feel it looks amateur and unprofessional. I know what I need to do to imrpove. 

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