Thursday, 24 March 2016

Photographer #12- Everlasting By Annabel Oosteweeghel -FALLING-

Everlasting By Annabel Oosteweeghel 

I discovered these images on Lensculture and are exactly what I was looking for. As humans we presume quite fast and are quick to judge, yet in these images we are able to sit back and explore. We as the audience are allowed to interpret this as we please. I usually go into a lot of depth on series of images like this on Lensculture but decided not to for this. The image speak for themselves and allow the audience to make what they want of it. I have looked at these images and decided they represent everlasting love as the title may suggest. The images speak thousands of words and explore my idea of falling in love with someone for years and years.
 Really interesting set of images that have given me food for thought.

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